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Say Hello to my Bugs and Kisses Clipart Collection!

Fia Kilbourn

Welcome to the world of creepy crawlies! Working on this bright and cheery beetle collection added warmth to my studio during California's cold rainy winter this year. Well, that and my space heater. We have had the most dreary days (sometimes whole weeks) since I moved here fifteen years ago. I got to add the phrase atmospheric river to my vocabulary!

a sketch of a beetle
Early sketch from the Bugs and Kisses Beetle Collection

Did you know that there are over 350,000 species of beetles? While my illustrations aren't scientifically accurate, I loved exploring all the combinations these little critters have. How diverse our world is! This beautiful collection of beetle art available in my Etsy shop.

A video of the painting process for an illustration of a yellow beetle
Using the symmetry tool in Procreate allows me to quickly add designs and color to my cute little critters.

My Bugs and Kisses Collection is a good design tool if you need to add some warmth, vibrant color, and cute cheery sayings to your projects.

All of these fun designs (and more) are available now in my Etsy shop.

Until next time,

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